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Colorectal Cancer Leading Cause of Cancer Related Deaths

According to the American Cancer Society, colorectal cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer-related deaths in the United States. However, early diagnosis can often lead to a complete cure. Almost all colon cancer starts in glands in the lining of the colon and rectum. When doctors talk about colorectal cancer, this is usually what they are talking about. There is no single cause of colon cancer. Nearly all colon cancers begin as noncancerous (benign) polyps, which slowly develop into cancer.

March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month

March is Colon Cancer Awareness month and as such we will be presenting more articles and information about Colorectal cancer this month. Colorectal cancer is cancer that occurs in the colon or rectum. Sometimes it is called colon cancer, for short. As the drawing shows, the colon is the large intestine or large bowel. The rectum is the passageway that connects the colon to the anus.

Diet and Eating Habits After Ileostomy Surgery

There is no such thing as an ileostomy diet. An ileostomy is not a sickness, so there is usually no health reason for not eating the foods you ate in the past. If you have a special diet because of heart disease, diabetes, or other health problems, you should ask your doctor about a diet that will work with both the problem and your ileostomy.

Six More Weeks of Winter? Protect Your Stoma While Dealing With Snow

While many parts of the central and eastern USA have seen near record high temperatures in the past

Managing Your Colostomy

Different ostomy surgeries produce different varieties of output. This is largely due to the location of the ostomy and the stoma. One of the colon's functions is to absorb water from the contents of the bowel. As such, the more colon that is left intact after your surgery, the more solid your discharge is going to be and the more predictable as well.

Colostomy Irrigation And Bowel Control

Colostomy irrigation is the process of infusing water into the colon through the stoma similar to an enema. The irrigation process stimulates the colon to then empty. By performing this process once a day at a set time, it is often possible to train the colon to empty only after irrigation. This allows the colostomate to simply use a stoma cover or stoma cap, rather than the pouch normally required, for the majority of the day.

Thoughts on Ostomy Odor Management

What’s an ostomy? Basically an ostomy is a man-made exit site that changes the point of exit from the bottom or back of our body to the front. Our eyes and noses are obviously on the front of our body, which leads us to be more aware of our changed body image and our odor-producing products. I’m sure you’ve heard the statement, “You’ve come a long way, baby.” Yes, ostomy management has come a long way-considering that as little as ten years ago, we had very few 100% odor-free pouching systems.

Ostomy Care Today

Having started in nursing in the 1960s, I have seen many changes in ostomies and ostomy care. T

Scientists Find Anti-Cancer Trigger

Boost from the garden can help activate the body’s own toxic waste disposal system. U. S. and Japanese scientists have discovered how to trigger the body’s natural defenses against cancer and are working on a drug that could boost protection against all forms of disease. The researchers at Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions in Baltimore have believed for many years that the body has a toxic waste disposal system that gets rid of chemicals, such as those in cigarette smoke, that can cause cancer. Now, they say they have proven in detail how the system works.

Are You Getting the Nutrients You Need?

Everybody has trouble eating right. When you have an ostomy, though, the challenges can be even tempts to control diarrhea, fluid balance, gas, and odor can stop you from eating enough healthy foods. And even if you do eat right, you may worry that your intestines don’t absorb the vitamins and minerals you need. The first thing to know: people with an ostomy

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