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Coping with Infections: Facts & Fallacies

Ostomy Help: Coping with Infection It is true that our bodies contain many normal bacteria; we do not live in a sterile world. We humans have a natural immunity to many of these organisms; some are even helpful in keeping down growth of more harmful bacteria.

If You Are Hospitalized Again

Sooner or later, we will all have a situation that calls for a hospitalization.  While a hospit

Discharge Planning & Follow-Up Care Reduces Rehospitalization

One of the current and more frustrating problems facing a new ostomate today is the shortened hospit

Positive Image of Ostomates?

Express Medical Supply, a discount medical supply store, works with a lot of people who have had an

How Can Ostomy Surgery Affect You?

Each person is unique and deals with the circumstances surrounding ostomy surgery in a different way

Common Ostomy Problems and Possible Solutions

Common Ostomy Problems and Possible Solutions: how to help avoid issues that happen when you have a colostomy, ileostomy, and/or an urostomy.

Stop a Killer in it's Tracks!

Did you know that improving your diet can help prevent 75% of colon cancers? Get lots of Folic Acid. Dried beans, green leafy vegetables, orange juice and fortified cereals are rich in this cancer fighter. Recent Louisiana State University research showed that getting 250 micrograms of folic acid daily slashed colon cancer odds by 60% in men. In a Harvard study, women who took multi-vitamins containing folic acid for 15 years cut colon cancer risk by 75%. Probable reason: Folic acid blocks DNA damage that leads to cancer.

Ostomy and Stoma Complications

Many pathological conditions can necessitate the need for some type of bowel or urinary diversion kn

Helpful Hints - Leak Producers & Preventers

There are many things that can cause your colostomy bag to leak, like abruptly sitting up straight f

Helpful Hints

If you suffer with arthritis in your hands, here’s a simple tip you might not have thought about. Su

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