Which Ostomy Pouching System is Right for You?

Nov 1st 2011

With so many ostomy products available, it’s hard to know which one is right for you. Regardless of the brand of product or type of surgery you have, there are a few basic features an ostomy pouching system must have to give you a sense of security and confidence. First, it must contain urine or stool, gas and odor without leaking. Second, it must help protect the skin around the stoma from damaging effects of stool or urine. Third, the systems should remain in place for a sustained and predictable wear time. Wear time—This means you should be fairly certain your pouching system will remain intact without leakage for a definite period of time. That time period varies among individuals and ranges from 24 hours to 7-10 days.

Wear time- has a lot to do with the amount and character of your output, the climate in which you live, your daily activities, and the type of skin barrier you use.

Output — High volume liquid output will melt standard, pectin-based barriers faster than the more modern synthetic extended-wear barriers. Using a skin barrier paste as “caulking” around the stoma or a “bead” on the back of the skin barrier, can help increase wear time and skin protection.

Visibility/Intimacy/Cost — Once the above criteria have been met, look at other pouching system features that might impact the way you feel about yourself. For example, is the pouch visible under your clothing, and does that determine your feelings about yourself during periods of intimacy? Do ostomy supply costs, or worry about them, overwhelm you?

Your Adjustment — Researchers believe that such concern can affect your adjustment to, and satisfaction with, your life after ostomy surgery. That’s why it’s important to look at the fine distinctions about ostomy pouching systems. Consider a system’s wear time as it relates to its costs. Calculate your ostomy supply costs on a yearly total-cost basis rather than a cost per change basis. You may find that an inexpensive pouch that must be changed daily costs more in the long run than the more expensive pouch you can wear for three days.

Conclusion — Investigate the size, shape, color, contour, profile and ease of application and emptying of a variety of pouching systems. Which one will be right for you? The one YOU FEEL is right for you!

Many manufacturers are willing to send samples for you to try at home.  Feel free to contact Express Medical Supply online or by phone at 800-633-2139 and our customer service representatives will be happy to assist you!

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