Motivation Monday: Brian's Story

Oct 12th 2015

Brian's Motivational Condom Catheter Story

Coloplast Conveen Active Urine BagThe best part of my job with Express Medical Supply is getting to talk to the people who use the supplies we sell.  I first talked to Brian several months ago and he was frustrated because he could not find a leg bag that could be worn while he was riding his Ice Sprint 26x recumbent trike.  Brian has had MS (Multiple Sclerosis) for 23 years and since his first exacerbation he has been focused on exercise.  Maintaining his health and his quality of life is important to Brian and he works had to ensure his health goals are met despite having MS.  He is active and needed a leg bag that could be concealed while riding his bike and wearing a pair of shorts.  Brian called the MS Society, his Urologist, he even asked the recumbent trike riders group, no one knew of a product that met his needs.  Brian was frustrated and was to the point where he thought he was going to have to invent a new leg bag!  Around this time of searching and finding nothing, Brian found Express Medical Supply.  When he saw the Coloplast Conveen Active leg bag, he was immediately hopeful.  Brian called us and had a lot of questions about the product.  Brian and I talked a lot that day, we exchanged messages and I contacted Coloplast and asked them for information when I wasn't sure of the answer.  Brian ordered some of the Coloplast Conveen Active bags and he was cautiously excited that the bags would work.  If they did work it would mean that Brian could wear shorts when it was hot so he could stay cooler and stay out riding for longer periods.  Brian would also be more comfortable while riding if the bags proved to be discreet and well suited to high levels of activity.

A couple of weeks later a very excited Brian called me back to tell me he had test drove the leg bag and he was thrilled with how well it worked!  Brian had finally found a leg bag that could keep up with him!  This is what Brian had to say about the experience:

"I got this yesterday, and I tried it out today. I laid it out in front of me, while I watched the video, and had no problem understanding how to put it on, even for the first time! I took off on my bike, and was very surprised at how much the bag held, but way more surprised that even though I had a Rochester condom catheter on, the condom tube never kinked while biking around! Every other time I had other leg bags on, the condom catheter always became kinked, and I had to stop pedaling and straighten my leg, in order for the bag to fill up. I tested it inside the building at my Dr. appointment today, and I never felt the back pressure of a kinked condom catheter! I really don’t know why the MS Society, Home Medical Supply or my Urologist couldn’t tell me that this product even existed, but as soon as I’m done with this mail, I’m calling them, to inform them that this is the most confident I can be on my bike! On my bike, I almost forgot it was on, its incredibly comfortable to wear, it was easy to drain, but I did dribble on my hands while putting the cap back on, which is my least favorite part of the bag, but a small price to pay, to wear shorts, and not have the condom kink, which is my most favorite aspect! I couldn’t be any happier, and I need to order more, along with the condom catheter in the video, with that pull strip, so your hand doesn’t touch the adhesive!"

-Thank You Kindly, Brian G Stewart, Rhinelander Wisconsin.


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