What is the ROHO Hybrid Elite Wheelchair Cushion?
What are the Benefits of the ROHO Hybrid Elite Cushion?
ROHO Hybrid Elite combines the soft tissue protection that you would expect from a ROHO Dry Floatation cushion and the stability you would expect from a foam cushion. ROHO air cushions combine shape fitting technology and pressure sore protection to give you critical pressure redistribution around the pelvis area. The added stability of the foam core of the Hybrid Elite gives you greater balance and firmer positioning.
The ROHO Hybrid Elite wheelchair cushion is adjustable to the shape and weight of your pelvic loading area. The air cells adjust to the changes in your individual position and your weight. The cushion allows for up to 2 inches of immersion in the air cells. This helps to redistribute pressure so you can avoid pressure sores or injury. Another great thing about the Hybrid Elite is that the foam insert part of the cushion is contoured to provided needed support to your legs. The ROHO Hybrid Elite is thoughtfully designed. The air-filled cushion can be easily cleaned and disinfected. The cover can also be disinfected and it is machine washable. The foam base can be wiped down with a damp cloth. The entire cushion from the foam base to the cover are fluid resistant. The ROHO Hybrid Elite combines foam and air cell construction to improve wheelchair positioning. By using the ROHO Dry Floatation technology the Hybrid Elite cushion helps to keep you protected from past, present, and future pressure injury.
What is Wheelchair Positioning?
Wheelchair positioning refers to how you actually sit and balance in your wheelchair. Sitting takes balance and it takes many small adjustments to remain upright and in control of our bodies. When you have a spinal injury or other mobility injury, sitting upright is no longer a mindless task. It can take work, effort, and training. The Hybrid Elite is designed to help you sit upright while maintaining proper lower extremity and pelvic alignment and control. This is accomplished by the contoured foam base, the base forms a structure that supports your body so you are able to sit upright with stability.
What is ROHO's Dry Floatation Technology?
Dry Floatation is what sets ROHO apart from other wheelchair cushions. The unique system of soft, flexible, interconnected air-filled cells that make up the ROHO cushion impersonates the pressure equalization and buoyancy of water. In a dry cushion, ROHO mimics what it is like to float. This helps pressure sores from forming and helps sores you could already have heal faster. Not only does the ROHO cushion cut down on friction and shear, it is comfortable, even when you are using it all day.
All ROHO air cushions come equipped with the Dry Floatation technology discussed above, it is what makes ROHO cushions so good at helping prevent and treat pressure sores and pressure related injury.

Who Should Consider Using a ROHO Hybrid Elite Cushion?
- If you have a history of skin/soft tissue breakdown or any stage pressure injury which would include a deep tissue injury
- You currently have skin/soft tissue breakdown or deep tissue injury
- You are at risk for developing skin/soft tissue breakdown or deep tissue injury
- You require increased stability from your wheelchair cushion
- You need help with pelvic asymmetry, up to around 2 inches and/or you require lower extremity alignment
- You are concerned that your wheelchair positioning isn't as good as it could be