Asthma Triggers and Hot Spots

Apr 27th 2012

Asthma is an inflammation of the air passages; this causes a temporary narrowing of the airways that transport air from the nose and mouth to the lungs. Asthma symptoms can be caused by allergens or irritants that are inhaled into the lungs. An asthma attack can be frightening, and in severe cases, it can also be deadly.

More Americans than ever before say they are suffering from asthma. It is one of America's most common and costly diseases. Currently, the estimated cost of asthma in the U.S. is $18 billion annually. Asthma is the 4th leading cause of absenteeism from work for adults and the leading cause of school absenteeism for children.

There is no cure for asthma, but with proper care and prevention, as well as recognizing common asthma triggers, it can be managed.


Asthma Triggers

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