Coloplast Sensura Mio: Something for Every Ostomy!

Sep 22nd 2014

Coloplast Sensura Mio Ostomy

Coloplast Sensura Mio Ostomy ExampleMore than likely, your stomach does not remain rigid and flat all day long. More than likely your stomach and abdomen move, crease, fold, stretch, and bend with you. You are reaching, sitting, standing, running, swimming, dancing, you are living. You need a barrier that is as flexible and ready to face the day as you are, which is why I think you will love the new Coloplast Sensura Mio. Coloplast didn't just stop at a revolutionary elastic adhesive that moves with your body. They listened to the people that were using their products. They listened and they tried to address complaints, they innovated.

Coloplast did something no one has ever done before. They changed the color of the ostomy pouch. Before Coloplast, the opaque ostomy pouches were all light peachy shades. The problem with all the ostomy pouches being peach is that not all people who have ostomies have skin that is peach. Ostomates are from all over the world, they are all ages, races, and they are all beautifully different. The wonderful thing about the neutral grey ostomy pouch designed by Coloplast is, it optimizes discretion under a very wide variety of clothes. They didn't just make it more discreet for everyone, they also made the pouch with a more comfortable fabric. It feels like a real fabric against your skin because it is fabric. Discreet, comfortable fabric and what may be the best part, it is water resistant. This is the pouch that you can wear to the beach, pool, spa. It dries fast, it repels water! Coloplast made an ostomy pouch feel better against your skin even when you are getting out of the shower or swimming with friends.

Sensura Mio Grey Fabric Ostomy BagColoplast Mio: flexible elastic adhesive barrier that fits your unique body, neutral grey water-resistant, actual real fabric pouch, and a brand new full circle filter that helps prevent clogging and ballooning. The full circle filter has what Coloplast is calling a pre-filter. This helps keep the filter that is located at the top of the pouch free and clear so you can count on it working. Coloplast spoke to many people whose sleep was interrupted nightly because of ballooning. Their pouch's filter would clog at night and then that would cause ballooning. The built up gasses would cause leaks. Nightly clogged filters, ballooning, leaks, none of that made for a restful night's sleep. The new full circle filter helps to prevent ballooning by changing the way that filters on ostomy pouches works.

This is a great short video that discusses the new full circle filter:

Sensura Mio Ostomy BagColoplast SenSura Mio for all Types of Ostomies

  • New elastic adhesive barrier that fits your unique body shape
  • New neutral grey fabric water resistant pouch
  • New full-circle filter that reduces ballooning

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